When Truth Becomes A Stranger

The law was written
By God Himself
Who is just and fair
In all His glory and wealth

He opened our eyes
To see His glorious light
To see what is good
And all that is right

The law is able to show us
That nasty face of sin
And that the things we do
With sin, are filled to the brim

So knowing now we are but sinners
We see the need to be saved
And our loving Father; so loved us
For our sake, His son He gave

He desires all of us to love Him
And that His commandments we keep
As we journey on our way to heaven
He’ll be with us though the way be steep

But if we close our hearts to Him
We will surely be lost forever
Death will be the final price to pay
When truth becomes a stranger.

Step 1

Forgive me for who I am.

Cherry Benzene's blog

I slipped into the bench
I wondered what the first time would be like
I wondered if I was actually ready
I knew this moment was long over due
Questioning myself was what held me back for so long
As I got my thoughts together, he began to speak to the entire class
It was only four of us but the room felt full to capacity
Our eyes met and he went silent.
A little startled, I wondered if he saw my past in my eyes.
Did he see my fear, my pain, my anger?
Did he see who I really was?
He interrupted my mental conversation by saying:
‘We do what we do because of who we are.
We sin because we are sinners
We lie because we are liars
We murder because we are murderers.’
And with that my noisy mind settled.
A sudden peace fell over me.

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Finding The Words

I’ve been meaning to share;
It has been far too long.
I kept telling myself I’ll find them,
But the words can’t be found.

Whenever the thoughts come,
The thought to write is nowhere near.
Then when I’m ready to write,
Not finding the words is what I fear.

Well, I really can find words;
But will those words fit?
Fit to, fit in, fit with, fit it?
Will it? Will it be the right fit?

Is too big really a fit?
Or is that just fit-tion?
The words I want aren’t loose;
They are fitted with precision.

I don’t desire just any words;
To be thrown around as you see fit.
The words I use are chosen,
And carefully placed where they sit.

So until I find those words I want,
I’ll just leave you with these few.
What ever it is you have to share,
Keep it honest, simple and true.